April has been dominated by the four week lock down here in New Zealand. Each day I have set out to make the most of every Yellow moment that came my way. Not an easy job some days with so much of yellows negative power “fear” on the radio and news feeds on the internet. I made a conscious decision to only listen to one news bulletin a day on the my radio station and the same on my internet news feed and that has been a jolly good idea for me.

There have been some great smiles over the days and weeks such as the wonderful Teddy Bears and other soft toys all sitting in windows, some just small ones, others much larger and some times a whole crowd of them. Jasper and I enjoyed waving to them and shouting “Hello” as we walked past. Our favourite being the dining room window at Heatherlea Rest Home where every one’s teddy was put on show. I’ve loved seeing the footpath paintings that young children have done; pastel colours saying HELLO with pretty hearts on Fulford Street was delightful and Beatrice had to come on a walk with us the next day to see them. A favourite one written by someone a little older on Devon Street West that said “Hop Skip and Jump” and, yes! I did all of those on the first morning I saw it. Must admit I was rather pleased; after a few days when it rained and washed the temptation to keep doing it every time we passed, was taken away. My dearest daughter Serendipity earlier in the year;

knowing that I was going to write about the colour Yellow in 2020 sent me some wonderful photos while we were in lock down. She had brought Yellow shoes and a lovely yellow rain coat I wanted to enlarge them and have them hanging on my walls in the hall. I noticed with wonder at how many people were out walking as family groups, or alone and lots with dogs of every shape and size, that added a bit of extra

excitement for darling Jasper. Every one acknowledging Jasper and I with a spoken greeting or a wave. That hasn’t happened for a very long time as they are usually busy getting some where or texting. Our twice daily walks took on more smiles which every one felt the better for. One afternoon we saw about twenty people of all ages on Marsland Hill. I had not seen that many at one time for a great many years; we often have the whole area to ourselves. It really was so delightful. Friends have been sending funny moments of all kinds to my Face Book page which I have enjoyed. Some have been hilarious and there is nothing so funny as laughing loudly on one’s own. There have been many phone calls and they have been very appreciated indeed. I have loved finding interesting quotes to post at this most unusual time and there has been lots of that wonderland colour “pink” to add to so many of them. Yes again I have left the most joyous story till last. Captain Tom Moore who has become my number one “hero” pushing Ernest Shackleton to second place after over sixty years in that top position in my heart. Captain Tom has raised more than £27m by completing 100 laps of his garden before his 100th birthday at the end of this month, brightening the lives of everyone in the United Kingdom and many other countries around the world. If you haven’t heard this amazing story, pop along to Goggle and have a read. His story is amazing. So please be mindful that Yellow helps to bring sunny moments and a general feeling of well-being, opens doors and lets more light into our lives.





Part one

 A week or two ago a dear friend who knows that I very rarely get out of town and how I would love to visit some of the places that I haven’t seen for a good many years rang to ask me if Jasper and I would like to go for a trip around the mountain on the next day. Oh gosh, yes please. I was so excited that hardly slept the night before. A road trip. Oh wow. With no car you don’t actual get out very much. Most friends are rather busy just getting on with their life’s. They are more than happy to help with shopping or going out for breakfast some times. So a road trip around the mountain was so very special and very generous indeed. My real interest was spiked when I joined TARANAKI PHOTOS where I discovered so many places that you could see the mountain from, with names I had never seen or knew how to say. After forty eight years I didn’t know there was a beach at Hawera. “Good heavens.”Jasper and I were up and out for our morning walk at the same time as always. But just a quicker walk that Friday. Home for breakfast not on the deck but at the small table in the kitchen known to all our friends as the nook. Rather charming and extra nice in the cooler days or if it is raining. I casually said to Jasper that we were going on an adventure that morning and he just gave me a blank look, until I added, in a car, he loves going out in any car. We left just after nine, heading for the coastal road out of town to Opunake. As we left the shops, schools, and busyness behind us, we were in the country. My heart gave such a sigh of delight as I saw all that “Green” acres and acres of it. Green fields, with Green hedges and Green Trees. More Green than I can see at Western park or Marsland Hill. It must be ten years or maybe longer since I had been out in the country going south. Green is so agreeable, bringing into balance the heart and soul. I began to tune myself into enjoying the wonder of Green’s loving and wanting the very best the day had to offer. I began to relax, taking a deep breath and soaking up Green wonderful soothing energy. Just here and there was also glimpses of the Tasman sea with it’s many shades of uplifting Blue and like a small child I kept saying Oh, look at the sea. Being a little on the cloudy side, there was no sign of Mt Taranaki. But what a grand show the clouds were putting on for me. Jasper who really loves going out in a car, just sat on my lap with his eyes glues to the road ahead not wishes to miss a single thing, collecting every memory so he would remember if there were to be a next time. I have always loved cemeteries even as a little girl. Our first stop of the main road was just passed Omata along the twisty Waireka Road with the delightful orange wild growing Montbretia waving their heads in a coolish breeze to the lovely Waireki Cemetery. Set on a softly down hill slope over looking farmland with tall pine trees and toetoe plants in the distant out towards the sea, Paritutu and the New Plymouth Power Station Chimney. We wondered along the rows of headstones some of them very old. Such history of Taranaki in the words on the mostly well kept headstones. I think the oldest one I saw was dated 1857. Old familiar Taranaki family names were dotted here and there. And wonderful old fashioned Christian names were a real delight. We spent a good while in this most pleasant place looking at the wonderful old wording on the headstones such fine work all done by hand. The care from many descendants who are still caring about their long lost family members. We turned and headed back to the main road and drove further along the Surf Highway We stopped for moment or two at Corbertt Park, while Jasper stretched his legs and had a drink of water and then onto Weld Road where we stopped for morning tea enjoying the sea view the sand bank, the lovely still clear deep blue small creak, toes digging into the black Iron stone sand, watching the seagulls tucked below the bank away from the wind. The beach was covered with a mass of driftwood of all shapes and sizes. We had a wonderful view even though a little hazy of Paritutu and the Chimney again. I picked for myself a few bunny tail grasses to bring home. After enjoying coffee and treats. We headed back on the highway, going further south with each mile.


Over the years that I have been posting quotes and words; I have manage to collect many thousands of them; some writers became favourites. Having a big tidy up of my Documents at the beginning of this year; I came across a quote written by the wonderful speaker and author Steve Maraboli, yes he is one of those favourites. This is one of his quote; it is so simple but many people find it so hard to do.

“It only takes a split second to smile and forget,
yet to someone that needed it, it can last a lifetime.”

To me; it speaks of the colour Yellow with it’s passion for laughter, sunshine and happiness.
I sat for some time thinking about smiles. I walk a great deal; always ready with a hello smile for every one I meet while out and about with Mr J. When we were in lock down; four years ago; gosh that is hard to believe It was a time when most people you passed on a walk would smile; some would slow down and added a few words to go with a smile. Ah; but It did not take long to change to be to busy to smile as we move on from the lock downs we had in New Zealand. I have always loved smiles. The one’s that very small children give you are always my most favourite ones. I love the way that certain pieces of music or the words of a song can bring a smile to my face or those rather wonderful smiles that light up your mind and heart. Jack Jones is a favourite singer of mine and this is a much loved song; The Shadow Of Your Smile that I love him singing more than any one else. When you think about it, there are a great many songs about smiles. I love the Charlie Chaplin song “smile” too; any one singing that will be great. And I love Ella Fitzgerald singing “Sunny” and of course Johnny Mathis singing A certain smile, they are all on my list of favourite smile songs.
It was a million years ago really; when I sat in the audience at a concert; by the way it was an absolutely brilliant concert. I had noticed him playing in the front row to the right hand side of the orchestra. Rather attractive I thought at the time. They were invited by the conductor to stand and take a bow at the end of the performance. He stood like everyone else on the stage; my eyes searched for him; his gentle smile seem to shine out to the crowded theatre. That smile was so very captivating. “Don’t you just love that word”? I wished for a moment, a second, that the smile; was just for me. I loved it. Another time, another crowed room. But this time as he walk across the room towards me; the hello “smile” was just for me and I loved it more than ever. The smile of course went on to become a wonderful romance that lasted for many years. So always have your smile ready. You maybe making some ones day. Or just lighting up an wonderful memory for one self.




Recently we dropped of a couple of books at the after hours slot at the library. Then walked across the lawns at Puki Ariki and onto the wide pathway,along and under the road bridge, turning at the slope up towards the wooden landing itself, then on to the very wide Coastal walkway. We walk this way so often that I’m sure I could do it blind folded with Jasper at the end of his lead. This rather early morning, the day seemed very slow to lighten and move on with what needs to be done with the morning light. So extra special, not being able to see the sea, made the sound more magical. The sound filled every corner of my mind and I just “loved” it so. Oh, the romance of the sound of the beloved Tasman sea as it crashes powerfully onto the very large black boulders that line the sea wall edge of the walkway. Just seeing the white foam and tall spray as the full tide hits the shore and quickly moves back to repeat the same thing over and over again, is so exciting and makes one feel awake and more strengthened. We stop and listen, there is no need to hurry. I have to make the most of this wonderful moment in time. It is so easy to miss magical moments in our every day lives. We walked along; I enjoying the sound of the sea with it’s hypnotising rhythm inducing a feeling of calmness. Slowly the sky was getting lighter; soon the moment of pure enchainment would begin to fade as the sky on the horizon; where the Tasman sea and the sky meet become the colour of magic with it golden brilliants. We stop to watch; drinking in such a wonderful site, then gently, slowly we walk on and carry on with our morning walk.