It will be three years this July that I had my first breakfast at what I called the Cathedral cafe, better know these days as the community cafe. A few things have changed. I go for breakfast a little later these mornings and I often go with friends. The furniture has spread out to make room for a few extra tables. We still have the small vases with pretty fresh flowers, sadly the blue and white gingham tablecloths have gone, I loved the extra touch of ambience they gave. The service is always wonderful, with lots of smiles from the whole crew of volunteers. The menu has been trimmed a little. But still a great breakfast selection. I still have the porridge with the stewed apple. It’s so yummy that I can never look past it.
On that first breakfast, a young family sat at the same table. I have watched the children grow over the many months that I go for breakfast. Through the very hot summer morning, they had their breakfast outside in the courtyard, so I hadn’t seen them for ages. The eldest of the boys came and stood at our table waiting to catch my eye, asking are you still having porridge and toast for breakfast? Oh yes, I replied, we chatted for a moment or two before he had to dash off to get to school.
Then to our surprise, the new dean Ross Falconer asked if he could join us for breakfast. He told us a few tidbits about the Cathedral plans for earthquake strengthening and other plans for taking St Mary’s church out more into the community over the next few years. He talked about being brought out of retirement to fill the gap of Dean of Taranaki until the end of this year. His family and how much he was enjoying being in Taranaki again.
He showed great interest in our great adventures of deciding to move to a country twelve thousand miles away from our homes in England. Our meals arrived and I must say the chicken and mushroom crepe that Ross had ordered looked and smelt delicious. As always the food was very good. He thanked us and then moved onto other tables to chat with other breakfast at St Mary’s fans.

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